Nintendo expands free EU wifi
Nintendo expands free EU wifi
The arrangement with benefits owners across 21 European countries and enables 3DS handhelds to automatically connect at participating branches of the Ibis and Etap hotel chains and fast food joints like McDonalds, KFC, Subway and Burger King.

The console manufacturer had more recently extended the 3DS's free wifi coverage to include several US and UK airports.
Sony has instead been cutting deals with mobile telecoms companies in advance of the Vita's February 22 debut in North America and European regions.
Like Apple's iPad and Amazon's Kindle, the Vita comes in two flavors: wifi only, and wifi plus 3G.
In North America and Japan, 3G models are tied to AT&T and DoCoMo respectively. In European regions buyers are encouraged to sign up with Vodafone or an affiliated network such as SFR in France.
While the 3G models offer mobile connections for consumers and additional revenue for Sony, early reports indicate a preference for the cheaper wifi-only model among prospective purchasers.
It runs $/€50 cheaper at $/€249, equal to the Nintendo 3DS's launch pricing.
The 3DS, which will have been on the market for nearly a year when the Vita hits the streets, enjoyed a significant increase in sales after dropping its price to $/€169 in August 2011.