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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Nike FuelBand is the hot, healthy new thing to wear around your wrist

Following up on the pioneering success of the 2006's Nike+, the company that started the wearable digital fitness revolution has a slick new product. Meet the Nike+ FuelBand, a bracelet in the same fitness-forward family as the FitBit and the Jawbone Up
The FuelBand has a few neat tricks to set it apart. Sure, it'll track your perambulations, but it also converts all of your physical activity into a kind of health currency called NikeFuel. It tracks steps walked and calories burned, but it also uses oxygen kinetics to take a more precise measurement of your exertion — and in true Nike fashion, it turns the result into a competitive sport.
You can compete against your own NikeFuel score of course, but you'll also be able to compare against your friends (or foes!) on Twitter and Facebook (and later Foursquare and Path, potentially). You can also check your progress toward your own goals at a glance via the bracelet's little colorful LED lights. The Nike FuelBand goes on pre-order today for $149 and begin shipping on February 22.

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